8 Rules For a Much Beloved Closet
While your closet is transitioning between seasons, it's a good time to take stock of your closet and see what's working for you and to get rid of ... -
A Minimalist Wardrobe Almost 5 Years Later
In case you don't already know, I'm a huge fan of minimalism. Not in a competitive "I'm better than you because I own less" way, but in an "I'm not... -
Minimalism Series: How To Be Stylish Even if You're Lazy
A close friend once described me as being the most productive lazy person, and it’s probably one of the most accurate descriptions of myself I’ve ... -
Minimalism Series: Creating a Capsule Collection
This is the third entry in our minimalism series, you can read the last entry “what is a capsule collection?”, here. Every piece in this outfit... -
Minimalism Series: What's a Capsule Collection?
This is the second installation of our Minimalism Series. You can read the last post about using minimalism to create calm. With a new season rol... -
Minimalism Series: Creating Calm
This blog entry is part of a minimalism series. It has tips for creating a more simple life and finding ways to exercise minimalism in your everyda... -
Digital Minimalism
The newest frontier in my minimalist journey is in the digital world. Just I’m just coming to terms with jotting notes in my phone rather than on a... -
The 333 Project 3 Years Later
As the New Year rolls around so do the resolutions. One of the most common resolution is having less 'stuff'. One of the best ways to eliminat... -
A Simpler Resolution.
Year after year, we all make resolutions-- Lose weight. Save money. Stress less. The problem with these resolutions is their emphasis on a symptom... -
Why does Viscera only have neutrals?
The short answer: Minimalism. The long answer is the 333 project. I simplified my life and wardrobe and realized the only way it can work ...