8 Rules For a Much Beloved Closet
by Ari Takata-Vasquez
While your closet is transitioning between seasons, it's a good time to take stock of your closet and see what's working for you and to get rid of whatever isn't. Creating a closet you love can be challenging, but with the right structure, it can become less of a struggle and more of a joy getting dressed. To help you create a closet you love, I created a simple guide that you can follow-- It's called the 8 Rules for a Much Beloved Closet and the 4 Truths of Being a Conscious Shopper.
You can download a free digital copy of the guide(for personal use only) or you can order posters printed on card stock to hang up in your closet and give you a little extra nudge to help you finally build the wardrobe of your dreams.