Weekends in LA
by DeShara Suggs-Joe
Most of us are lucky enough to have amazing family. I’ve been lucky enough to also make my friends family. Our relationship goes beyond the endless group texts, and expands into what we like to call our friends vacations. Each year a group of us get together to unwind in a big house, usually somewhere warm. This year we were back to L.A. and we added a new member to the crew.
Los Angeles is always the same when I go back. It’s sunny, and bustling with palm trees and girls in cut off shorts. We stayed in Venice again this trip. Venice is always my favorite with food spots I love and the beach at my back door. It also always strangely feels like home. My friends and I joke about dropping everything and settling there. I’m pretty convinced that’s a great idea (one day in my dreams).
Of course we did all the things that tourists do: In N Out, Malibu, Santa Monica Pier, and my personal favorite, Fairfax Flea Market on Sundays!
Some things change, but some things will always remain. This L.A. trip happened about a month into my first semester of grad school a.k.a. at the perfect time. Life is hectic, and it’s easy to lose sight of the things that matter. We can replace our favorite shirt of 2 years with a new one at any time but nothing will ever compare to the people we call for a laugh or a cry. Friends that become family last forever.
Not to mention my friends are some of the most stylish people I know.