We Need More Party!

by Ari Takata-Vasquez

Last week we had an absolutely amazing party at the shop for the Indiegogo campaign it left me wondering, why don't we do this more?! So, we need to have more parties! The turn out was great and the mix of folks from all over was beautiful. Where else do you get other than Downtown Oakland? It's magical. Also if I may so myself, Viscera customers really are the most stylish around (I know, I know, I'm just a little biased). We had drinks + bites from other local businesses we love like Donut Savant and Crooked City Cider. Got to spread that local love. 
 Thank you to all the friends/customers who came out to support Viscera! 
Want to have your next party/event at Viscera? There's a perk on our Indiegogo page to rent out the shop for 12 hours for $550 (that's 50% off our rental rate on Peerspace). Rent out Viscera for your next party! 
The party was great and helped us make such big strides in our crowdfunding campaign, but we're not done yet! We still need to raise $5,265 to reach our goal. Our campaign is all or nothing, so if we don't reach our goal, we don't get any money and you don't get any perks. That would be a real bummer. I know we can do this! So, go get your perks and tell your friends about our campaign. We have 10 days left, so let's do this thing!