Missing the "Passion" in Passion Project? We've Got the Cure

by Ari Takata-Vasquez

Why do we lose passion for our passion projects?

Right around this time of January, our resolutions start falling to the wayside and we slip back into our old bad habits. We'll just call January our "trial month" and 2016 really starts in February, right? It happens to all of us because, well, change is hard. It's easier to let Netflix do it's thing and play four episodes of parks and rec than open a book after a long day spent in front of a computer. 

What's more, most of us have nine-to-fives that make keeping resolutions even harder. We fall into ruts and get used to doing the same thing day after day, only living for the weekends. But by the time Saturday comes around, our passion project/side-hustle/hobby gets even less attention because we want to spend our downtime relaxing from the stressful week.

How to Re-Energize?

So, how do put the 'passion' back in 'passion project'? One of the best ways to stay motivated is to surround yourself with positive people who are more likely to say "you can do it!" than "why don't you just give up?". Don't we already have enough negative self-talk? We don't need anyone else bringing us down.

When I was starting Viscera, there were low points where I thought I'd have to throw in the towel. My self-doubt set in: "What if no one buys anything?", "I've never done this before, and I know nothing!". But rather than give in to the scared little voice saying "you can't", I turned to other business-owners who had been through it who said, "yes, you can! And you need to!". I surrounded myself with strong encouraging people and it made all the difference. Even a year in, when I'm feeling low, I know I can turn to my local biz friends for a pick me up. 

Take the Leap

To help you stay energized, we're holding a Q&A event with local Oakland business owners on Thursday, 1/28 from 6-7pm. During the event, you can talk with people who have turned their side-hustle into their full-time gig. Get re-inspired and maybe even make some new friends.

Our kick-ass line-up includes Leah Gilman of Barefoot Movement, Nenna Joiner of Feelmore (link NSFW), Jeff Perlstein of SoleSpace, Alanna Rayford of Urban Stitch and yours truly. 

So what's stopping you? Sign up for the free event on facebook and bring a friend. To make it even better, Urban Stitch is hosting a free vision board making event after the Q&A session from 7:15-8:15.


Be brave and be bold!
