Founded right here in Oakland, CA, Plaid Friday is a growing national shopping alternative to Black Friday - simply put, PLAID Friday calls for supporting small, locally-owned businesses during the holiday season.
From November 24-26th, 2017, entrepreneurs around the country will participate by hosting events and offering specials discounts in-store. Plaid (fabric) was chosen for this campaign because it represents the diverse weaving of small businesses - why not spend time in the laid-back company of local creatives instead of fighting crowds under fluorescent lights in Target at midnight? Here are three of the most important reasons to shop #plaidfriday:

Find a unique gift. There is something special about rejecting generic gifts in favor of special gifts whose origins are easily traced back to a single maker (or a community of makers). Whether it’s a hand-crafted kitchen utensil or 3D printed jewelry, the character of the item alone is priceless. Anyone worth the purchase of a gift will appreciate that you took the time to support a real life artist in your own community. Plus, hunting for the perfect gift among local businesses can be very exciting!

Support good causes. Recycling product is just as important as recycling money - oftentimes local businesses are just as connected to their physical environments as they are with their respective communities. Support local businesses and good causes all at once by shopping in a locally-owned boutique near you. Old Oakland is a perfect example of a small-business community that has created a warm, walkable environment for people of all ages and interests to sustain each other. For example, Viscera proudly supports pit bull rescues with all proceeds made from limited edition
leather dog leashes!

Gain financial independence. The well-being of our community lies directly in our own hands. We sustain ourselves by treating ourselves, the communities we live in, with kindness. When we spend money in stores owned and operated by independent entrepreneurs, we’re directly supporting the growth of our local economy - the financial impact of recycling revenue is huge. From an Oakland-specific perspective, we host a growing number of entrepreneurs of color, many women included, who are making moves to create a holistic shopping experience for our communities. Viscera is just one of many women-owned businesses in Oakland who aims to provide a space for creative and economic growth.
On average, close to 50% percent of all purchases from independent businesses are recirculated locally. As consumers, we have the collective power to keep our communities from being taken over by soulless chain stores that do not have our best interests at heart. Remember to #shoplocal this holiday season by participating in Plaid Friday! Visit Oakland Grown for a comprehensive guide to shopping small in Oakland, California.
Uptown, Downtown, and Old Oakland are all easily accessible by car, public transportation, or walking. A simple cruise down Broadway or Telegraph Ave will bring you straight to the heart of our shopping district.
Come shop with us this Plaid Friday and put your money where you heart is by investing your money locally! Visit us at Viscera, 1542 Broadway in Downtow Oakland or at V by Viscera 902 Washington St. in Old Oakland