Meet Lindsey! Our new wholesale manager and shopkeep extraordinary
by Ari Takata-Vasquez
You may have noticed a new face around the shop. Meet Lindsey, our new wholesale manager and shopkeep extraordinaire. Read our interview with Lindsey where she shares what's inspiring her these days, her favorite places in the Bay, and tells us a bit about her background.
Where are you from/where have you lived/ where do you spend your time?
I am a born and raised Chicago Lady. Go White Sox! Claps for comprehensive public transportation!What's inspiring you these days?
Music has always been what motivates me. Right now, I'm spending a lot of time listening to and learning from the women of jazz and soul, specifically Aretha Franklin, Dinah Washington and Amy Winehouse to name a few. There is something undoubtedly magical about the way these women express both beauty and grit without needing to say a word.What do you do at Viscera?
At Viscera, I help manage the wholesale accounts for the apothecary line, V by Viscera. I can also be found arranging items in the store and swiffer-dancing to some sweet tunes.How do you spend your free time?
Most of my free time is spent singing to my cat, taking dance classes or daydreaming about my next trip to Disneyland.Where are some of your favorite places in Oakland/Bay Area?
So I heard from a 6th grader once that all of the cute girls hang out at T4 in Chinatown so, naturally, I go there for boba all the time. Chica is my favorite spot in Oakland for a bomb breakfast. I am also a huge fan of Albany Bowl. I'm seriously thinking about having my next birthday party there.Digital or Analog?
Analog. I appreciate the digital but I am a skeptic. I try to always have a notebook and pen on me at all times.
What creative things do you do?
Right now, I am working on a collection of poems that I would like to make into a nice little poetry book. The poems I am working with range from brand new to ten years old. There is a fun sort of magic that comes from re-working a five-ten year old poem. I was in such a different place five years ago while still being the same me. As cheesy as it sounds, this poetry project is starting to become a love letter to all of my younger selves; which was not my original intention but I'm excited about where we are ending up.
Next time you're in the shop and see Lindsey say hi and introduce yourself! She'll be sure to tell you a fun fact and will help you find exactly what you're looking for.